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Body Type

Do you have a waist? Are you tall and lean, short and petite? Cuts, styles and fabrics all work differently with different body types. Understanding your body type and how clothes look on it makes it easier to pick clothes that you love.

Style personality

Audrey Hepburn had it Princess Grace had it too, a distinctive look composed of clothes, hair and general grooming. They knew ho they wanted to look and their wardrobe choices were all aligned. It made them distinctive memorable and frequently copied.


Do you have disproportionately long legs and a short waist or vice versa? Or an unusually long neck? Lets discuss and explore the different cuts and design features that you can use to either hide or accentuate your most distinctive features.

Relationship to shopping

As we go through your consultation a pattern will emerge and we will find out which colour family you look best in. 

Life style factors

Lets talk about not wasting money on clothes that we don’t need. If you live in a cold climate and don’t like swimming you don’t need 10 sets of bathers. If you are a stay at home mum you want need a capsule of office wear. Sometimes we are attracted to clothes that just don’t suit our life style. Part of being truly stylish is knowing what you do and don’t need to buy.


 A harmonious, intentional outfit is like making a great recipe, things work together well, sometimes complementing each other, somethings contrasting and sometimes clashing to spice things up and make them exciting.

And just like there is a time and a place for curry as opposed to caramel pudding, a large part of style is knowing what kind of look to pull out when.

But sometimes we just don’t know what suits us, or, even worse, we think that nothing does, and so we hide, unsure of ourselves and how to dress in a way that makes us confident and liberates us.

I have worked with so many people over the years and I know that we can all look fantastic and feel totally confident (and feeling confident is a big part of looking fantastic).  It is absolutely time for us all to stop hiding, comparing and despairing and start having a great time as who we are with what we have got. You can be a gorgeous size 24 and a knockout size 4.  If you are tall, short, have large or small features, thin or thick hair, you just need to own it, love it and have fun with it.

And if you really don’t think so, then think of your favourite movie or music star.  Without make up. In their trackies, hair undone. Who do they look like? For the most part, us.  That’s what we all look like unstyled. That’s why celebrities have stylists.  

If you would like to learn what suits you, what your ideal look is, and how you can create it at home, then you want one of my styling sessions.

harmonious, intentional outfit

For $300 we will work through your personal style. All tips and tricks for your body shape. A heap of style and fun

We will cover these key elements in the style recipe:

  1. Knowing what suits your figure, and whether or not you are straight or curvy
  2. Being aware of what your height is and how you can dress it successfully in different ways
  3. Being aware of whether or not you are in proportion and what that means in different cuts of clothing.
  4. Being  aware of your external style factors, such as your climate and what you are comfortable temperature wisee (whether or not you spend your day in air con will play a part here too.)
  5. Being aware of the dress codes that you need to meet, such as at work, and the unspoken dress code of your peers or location and how they influence your style.
  6. Understanding your relationship to the trends that come and go.  We are all influenced by them to a greater or lesser degree.  For example, when my parents were married in 1977 my dad wore a greyed navy suit with fabulous flares.  But he was not being particularly fashion forward, he was wearing common dress for the era. Flares were a classic.  Trends come in, they become mainstream fashion, then an easy classic and then sometimes they become outright dated. It is worth understanding whether or not you are (or would like to be) an early adapter, or whether you are more comfortable wearing something when it has become a tasteful classic.
  7. Your signature style elements.  This is could be:
    1. a physical feature that you like to highlight in different ways, 
    2. or it can be a general type of style or silhouette that you always love to wear, you just choose the most current iteration.  
  8. You may not have elements that you keep the same, your signature elements could be that you are fashion forward, or adventurous with your hair, or you wear what ever is in country road this season etc.  But what we do want is for you to be aware of what looks make you happy and what you like to wear.  
  9. Good grooming.  I think of this as being composed of good hair, good make up, well cared for hands and a nice hand bag.  
  10. Odds and ends– accessories, glasses, hair cuts.  All those little pieces that can make a huge difference.
  11. Having a good eye.  This can learnt from copying others with a good eye.  Some people seem to have a faster up take, but everyone can develop a good eye.  This is the ability to ‘style’ a look, it is similar to styling a room. It is combining the different elements with yourself to make a great looking picture.  Your ideal look could be punk, or preppy, elegant or trendy, but really looking at yourself and your outfit and being intentional about what you wear will make a difference to your look.

When you understand the science and art behind personal style it makes so much difference.  You know you are looking good and you feel so confident. And getting dressed becomes satisfying and fun, or easy, something that you no longer have to worry about.  It is definitely a life skill worth sorting out.

So make an appointment to get your style sorted.  I can’t wait to see you.