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 Hi there, I am Katie and here is my own story... 

I motivate individuals to be their true selves.

Dressing well is like any artistic activity, it is full of choices, like what colour should my shirt be? what length? should I roll my sleeves? It is full of preferences wrapped in rules. The successful artist knows how to apply the rules and understands the techniques. Learning any discipline  is a life long endeavor and needs guidance from some one who has already mastered the skill.  

I help and teach people to implement the image that suits them and they dream of. A  large part of it is turning their wardrobes from items that they don’t wear into outfits. Sometimes we have great stuff that we need help styling and sometimes we have been putting off shopping because we don’t know what to do. Either way, I work with you to turn this mess into success.

We will build a profile of how you want to look. We consider image goals, personality, and coloring. We talk about makeup, hair and sunglasses. There is nothing that we won’t talk about and sort out. You will emerge feeling empowered and confident. And I love the journey and seeing you shine when it all comes together.

Katie Style Professional

Let's get to know each other...

Long ago I discovered that I love helping people to have perfect outfits! And what I love even more is teaching them to style themselves so that they can wear perfect outfits every day for the rest of their lives! 

There are many elements that contribute to a persons ideal style. There is one amazing building block that is foundational, it is color. Knowing what suits your coloring and how to build great outfits based around those colors is having half the style battle won. You know what to avoid, you know what will always look good. You know what make up to buy and how to wear it. You know how to use colour to look polished, or dramatic, or dynamic, or in control. When colour is used well it is a very powerful tool. I call it the secret weapon of style and the repressed factor of the fashion industry.

More about me

My back story.

Born and raised in Tasmania, Australia, I hold a Bachelor's degree in English and History from the University of Tasmania. Following a two-year mission for my church, I embarked on a professional career spanning direct marketing, internet marketing, and image consulting.

My lifelong passion for fashion and style led me to pursue image consulting. I've studied with renowned international and national schools, but my journey truly began with a transformative experience in South Africa. During an extended vacation, a color consultant revealed that the colors I favored were actually detrimental to my appearance. This revelation shattered my long-held belief about having sallow skin, prompting me to realize I'd simply been misinformed.

This experience ignited my passion for image consulting. Another pivotal moment arrived just before my wedding when a beauty therapist went beyond a simple facial and guided me towards a transformative skincare routine.

My interest in image lies beyond fashion and the clothes themselves.

It stems from the profound personal transformations I've witnessed in myself and countless others I have worked with. It highlights image as a parallel path to the well-trodden world of fashion. While the fashion industry prioritizes clothes driven by sales volume, image empowers individuals to feel confident and project their best selves.

Image encompasses all aspects of fashion and extends beyond, forming a holistic field of study. Though it may appear subjective from the outside, understanding the underlying principles unlocks a set of manipulatable parameters, allowing individuals to express themselves and to achieve their desired look with style and intention.

Let's see if we should work together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

  • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

“My partner and I had a really fun morning with Katie, working out our best colours, trying out makeup and chatting about personal style. Whether you love colour and want to refine your colour palette, help prevent online shopping disasters, or solve the mystery of why some colours make you look a million bucks, while others make you look like a zombie you will get a lot out of a consult with the lovely Katie.” :Jessica M

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